Where I come from

A few years ago, when I was managing La Paperie, I was asked, as part of an urban renewal project, to rethink soft mobility in the heart of a so-called sensitive neighbourhood. This experience, which lasted three years, allowed me to initiate a new way of working.
I settled in the neighbourhood. I blended into the landscape. I listened. Then I invited Véronique Peny from KMK and artists from all walks of life to come here and take the time to meet. We wrote a vast project over several years: Les Génies du Lieu.
With the inhabitants, from walks, maps describing their neighbourhood in a sensitive way were made; they were transformed into orientation tables, roof terraces for seniors; they became places of life, ephemeral or not.
Les Génies du Lieu have changed the course of life a little.




©ericaubry - ericaubry[@]me.com - legal notice
All the pictures on this site were taken by ©ericaubry. There are not free of rights. You can see them here