Eric Aubry - Advisory

Advice on artistic planning of territories

Politicians, urban planners, citizens......

If you are looking for new keys to understanding and organising your territory, I can help you with advice, engineering and development of territorial projects.


La tournée

a contextual project

ACTPP (Artistic and Cultural Territorial Planning Project) is a new field of activity that refers to the classical schemes of artistic creation in the field of live performance (theatre, dance, music) and that also questions all other possible artistic forms: heritage (tangible and intangible), gastronomy, contemporary art, photography, cinema and all imaginable modes of representation of these; exhibitions, banquets, walks, museums in all the innovative forms that exist or will exist...
These projects participate in the urban and rural fabric through development operations, requalification of public spaces, public consultation.

In the heart of building sites or gardens, in disused places or in institutions, in squares or in meadows, the temporarily invested spaces become the ground for new artistic and citizen experiments.


Art / Territorial planning

At the crossroads of artistic creation and spatial planning, there are possible bridges between spaces of transformation and singular artistic universes. This is cultural urbanism.

urbanisme culturel

Social Design

Through the specific methods of social design, which take the time of immersion, collaboration, prototyping, experimentation and experience, we set up protocols and devices that create shifts that encourage a change of perspective and practices, particularly in terms of ecology, travel, food and consumption.



The methods used are cultural urbanism and social design:  

By associating a plurality of actors with heterogeneous profiles (architects, urban planners, designers, artists, landscape architects, citizens, inhabitants, etc.), cultural urbanism makes it possible, through the use of art, to create bridges between the knowledge-expertise of planning professionals and the knowledge-usage of inhabitants.Numerous methods envisage the development of the inhabitants' power to act through their participation in urban renewal. 

Social design is a set of project design methods which are concerned with improving the habitability of the world. Thanks to contact with the inhabitant (through interviews, immersion in his or her daily life and/or through co-design workshops) and through research work that borrows the approach of other social science disciplines (analysis, monitoring, qualitative and quantitative surveys, observation, etc.), the designer will imagine and formulate avenues or solutions to a given problem.


Who is it for?

This offer is aimed at all local authority departments (education, early childhood, senior citizens, mobility, disability, urban planning, culture) and related joint unions, and at socio-cultural structures of all types and sizes (theatre, association, social centre, neighbourhood centre, retirement home, artistic company).


The social factory

These projects question the field of the living and particularly the relations between inhabitants of the same territory. It recreates spaces for mediation through the work.

Finally, it questions the fields of territorial development: urban planning, architecture, landscape, mobility, etc.

These artistic projects need to be seen as tools for territorial development and the telling of stories about the world, and even as tools for social cohesion. 




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All the pictures on this site were taken by ©ericaubry. There are not free of rights. You can see them here